A: Prices for a general pest service vary based on the pests and the size of your home/building etc. Contact us for a firm quotation.
A: When you are sick, you go to the doctor; if you need food, you go to the shopping centre; if you want pest management treatment, you go to a qualified and professional pest specialist. Our pest management team regularly attend compulsory personal development seminars ensuring you are getting a quality service. The methods we use cannot be found on the shelves in retail stores. Products found in retail stores are often not sufficient to ensure a complete treatment.
A: Ants, Ground dwelling spiders, silverfish, Large Cockroaches and rodents.
A: No. Not for a general pest service, but if we are treating your premises for fleas, we ask that all pets be removed for a period of 4 hours.
A: Unfortunately, some companies insist that they spray even when it is raining. However, the weather would simply wash away the chemical we use to control your outdoor pests. We would still be able to service indoors and arrange another appointment for the outside, or we are quite happy to reschedule the whole appointment.
A: We offer a free service period of six months for most pests, but generally, every twelve months is sufficient for most households.
A: Cash, cheque or direct deposit. No credit cards. Payment on completion of service.
A: DO NOT TOUCH THEM!!! Do not spray them with anything, and do not pour accelerants over them… Call us immediately to arrange for an inspection.
If there’s a question we haven’t covered, give us a call today to get your free quote!
We are your local pest control experts and we are here to help whatever your pest problems!